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The Future of Our Past Festival (TFOOPFest) 2019

full details at their website here

Event Coverage for the month-long TFOOPfest. The festival explored lesser-known stories of communities and places of Singapore’s past and present, and reimagined them through artistic mediums. 


ORchard: A Stroll Between Valleys (a walking tour) 

From the website: Singapore’s transformation is characterised by its continuous battle with nature. Terrains are flattened to create productive spaces, while precarious elements of nature are buried deep underneath. This is exemplified in Orchard, an area of natural depression susceptible of flood since the 1840s.


Alternate Pasts: Politics of Commemoration of 1915

(a talk highlighting the little-known Sepoy Mutiny in Singapore in February 1915)



First Storeys 

A theatrical installation focusing on the period of large scale resettlement in Singapore from the 1950s to the 1990s. Through its speculative nature, the piece draws attention to lesser known, personal stories surrounding the process of resettlement. (Produced by Sean Cham) 



Merged is an interactive documentary on Singapore’s biggest school merger. It takes a closer look at the city-state’s changing social and education landscapes, by focusing on Tampines Junior College (TPJC)’s last days. This was also one of two panel discussions, titled 'What's in a Building?', which examined the significance of physical space towards collective memory.

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